4. Session 1 Video 3: Verify Environment is Set Correctly

Developed for METplus Version 4.0.

4.1. Description

METplus 4.0 Online Tutorial Session 1 : Setup Video 3: Verify Environment is Set Correctly

The content in this video corresponds to this online tutorial section: https://dtcenter.org/metplus-practical-session-guide-version-4-0/session-1-metplus-setupgrid-grid/metplus-setup/verify-environment-set-correctly

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METplus User’s Guide: https://metplus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Users_Guide

4.2. Preparation for Presenter

  • Slides: metplus_online_tutorial_session_1_setup.pptx (note formatting of PowerPoint presentation differs between PowerPoint and Google Drive! Please use PowerPoint if available or copy file and adjust formatting)

  • Open a web browser

  • Open a terminal on your own machine and set the PS1 environment variable to something that hides the user and machine names, i.e. export PS1=”$~”

4.3. Script

(show slide 10 - title)

Welcome to the “Verify Environment is Set Correctly” video, part of the “Session 1: Setup” portion of the METplus 4.0 Online Tutorial.

(show slide 11 - Topics Covered in This Video)

This video covers how to check that the tutorial environment has been set up correctly. This video assumes you have already completed the steps covered in the “Set Up Pre-Configured Environment” video OR the “Set up User Workstation Environment” video. If you have not yet completed this step, please navigate to the appropriate video before proceeding with this video.

(navigate to https://dtcenter.org/metplus-practical-session-guide-version-4-0/session-1-metplus-setupgrid-grid/metplus-setup/verify-environment-set-correctly)

To verify that the tutorial environment was set up correctly, this page instructs you to source the setup script and run commands to ensure that everything was done correctly.

The results from these commands may vary slightly based on your environment, but should be similar.

For pre-configured environments, as long as your copy of the setup scripts are found in your personal working directory, you should get the correct results.

If you configured your own workstation to run the tutorial and the output looks very different, you may need to update the tutorial setup script with the correct values.

Start by navigating to your METplus-4.0.0_Tutorial directory and source the setup script.

(run cd and source commands)

We will first check that the paths are set correctly.

(run copy/pastable instructions and describe what you are seeing)

If everything looks as expected, then you are ready to continue to the next page of the METplus online tutorial!