5. Track and Intensity Use Case

Developed for METplus Version 3.1.


If you would like to follow along with the exercises in this video, please select one of the options to set up your own Training Environment.

This video describes the track and intensity use case that involves the TCMPR (tropical cyclone matched pair) plotter ( WEB BROWSER Begin with view of this section of the tutorial in the web browser ).

Before you proceed, make sure you have run the tutorial from Session 5: TC-Pairs Tool and have saved all corresponding output.( WEB BROWSER Show web page of tutorial pointing to this )

The TCMPR plotter wraps the plot_tcmpr.R, the R plotting script that is part of your MET installation.( WEB BROWSER highlight github MET repo)

If you want to familiarize yourself with plot_tcmpr.R, refer to the TC-Stat tool example in the MET User’s Guide. ( WEB BROWSER Show web page of MET user’s guide to TC-Stat tool )

If you haven’t already done so, you can also follow Session 5 of the tutorial: Trk&Int/Feature Relative >MET Tool: TC-STAT. ( WEB BROWSER Show web page of tutorial for TC-Stat section).

This TCMPR plotter use case uses output from the MET tc-pairs tool. You can refer to section 20.2.3 of the MET Users Guide for a description of the tc-pairs output format. ( WEB BROWSER Go to web browser with MET User’s guide web page ).

The TCMPR plotter wrapper makes use of three configuration files (in addition to the other default METplus configuration files described in Session 1: METplus Setup/Directories and Configurations files- Overview).

(XTERM highlight these files in your directory) These configuration files are:



and track_and_intensity.output.conf.

You will create the track_and_intensity_output.conf, it is your custom config file. (XTERM create this file)

The TCMPRPlotterConfig_Customize file is used by MET’s R script that generates the plot, and is used to set attributes of the plot.

The TCMPRPlotter.conf file is a default configuration file that encapsulates common settings.

(XTERM Highlight the path to the TCMPRPlotter directory) It is located in the parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper/TCMPRPlotter directory of your METPlus directory.

(WEB BROWSER point to/mouse third blue box) You can override the following values that are defined in the TCMPRPlotter.conf file by defining these in the custom config file, track_and_intensity.output.conf.

The settings in the TCMPRPlotter.conf file and track_and_intensity.output.conf file are used by the METplus wrapper to run MET’s R plotting script.

(XTERM open the TCMPRPlotterConfig_Customize file) Before we proceed, let’s look at the TCMPRPlotterConfig_Customize file, which is used by the R script to set plot attributes.

When you open the file, you can see that it has only one key-value setting, img_res = 72. This value dictates the image size of the plot that is created. If this value is left unset (that is, set to nothing), the R script plot_tcmpr.R will use the default value of 300. This value results in an extremely large plot in your display. The default value is also used if this configuration file is omitted/non-existent.

(WEB BROWSER) Let’s begin by setting up the use case. For the next steps, make sure you are working out of the METplus Tutorial directory. Create a unique output directory where you want to save the use case output files.

Open the custom configuration file called track_and_intensity.output.conf and set the OUTPUT_BASE value with the path to the output directory you just created. (WEB BROWSER point to/mouse to the first blue box with the example)

Now set the INPUT_BASE to the full path corresponding to the output directory from the TC-Pairs Tool tutorial (this is the directory that contains your tc_pairs.tcst file). Remember to close the file.

You can take a moment to look at what is defined in the parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper/TCMPRPlotter/TCMPRPlotter.conf, under the [config] section. ( XTERM open this file )

Sections are indicated with the section name, surrounded by square brackets.( XTERM highlight the [config] header)

The plotting settings of interest will begin with ‘TCMPR_PLOTTER’, followed by a descriptive name (XTERM scroll down to TCMPR_PLOTTER section)

(XTERM) Unassigned settings under the [config] section will use default values that are established in the plot_tcmpr.R script.

For example TCMPR_PLOTTER_TITLE sets the title of the plot, if left unassigned, a default title is created(XTERM highlight TCMPR_PLOTTER_TITLE).

The settings from the default and configuration files will allow you to generate a boxplot and plots of the mean and median for the A- and B-track MSLP, the A- and B-track maximum wind, and the track errors(XTERM scroll down to TCMPR_PLOTTER_DEP_VARS and highlight the MSLP, MAX_WIND, TK_ERR) .

(WEB BROWSER go to Example 1) Let’s go to example 1.

Now you are ready to run the track and intensity use case. We will read in the .tcst files as input to the plot_tcmpr.R script, and create static image files with a ‘.png’ extension.

From the command line, run the master_metplus.py command in the dark grey box:

(WEB BROWSER mouse over/point to the command line command in the dark grey box under Example 1)

You should observe the following output in the output directory you created:

(WEB BROWSER mouse over/point to the output in the blue box below the dark grey box)

The plot filenames are comprised of the dependent variable name from the TCMPR_PLOTTER_DEP_VARS setting and the plot type from the TCMPR_PLOTTER_PLOT_TYPES setting (XTERM open TCMPRPlotter.conf and highlight TCMPR_PLOTTER_DEP_VARS and TCMPR_PLOTTER_PLOT_TYPES)

You can use the ‘display’ command to view these .png files. Here is an example of how to use the ‘display’ command. (WEB BROWSER scroll down to bottom of page and mouse over/point to dark grey box)

(WEB BROWSER scroll back up to section the section ‘Example 2’)

In the previous example, we generated boxplots, mean and median plots. Now let’s just create boxplots of the variables of interest.

Open your track_and_intensity.output.conf file and set TCMPR_PLOTTER_PLOT_TYPES=BOXPLOT (WEB BROWSER highlight the blue box under Example 2)

Close the file and rerun the master_metplus.py command from the command line: (WEB BROWSER mouse over/point to the dark grey box with the command line command)

Now look at your output files in your output directory. Now you should see that only boxplot plots were generated.

(WEB BROWSER mouse over/point to light blue box with list of png boxplot files)

Again, use the ‘display’ command to view the plots.

(WEB BROWSER scroll to bottom of the page and mouse over/point to the dark grey box with examples of using ‘display’)

This concludes the Track and Intensity TCMPR Plotter use case. Now it’s your turn to do more experimentation with the configuration files. Thank you for your time and attention.